Privacy Policy

  • Every month, many individuals just like you take advantage of this website. The information they provide us allows us to make this site as rewarding and personalized as possible. To guarantee the privacy of our visitors, we will:
    • Never sell personally identifiable information to third parties for marketing purposes unless you request otherwise;
    • Never disclose your identity or personal information to any third party unless you request otherwise;

    In certain areas on our site, we may have joined forces with a reputable third-party source of specialized information and other content to bring you additional resources of medical or healthcare information. We recommend that you always review their privacy policies and terms of use before you complete any transaction with them.

  • Internet Communication: Given inherent problems with Internet security, clients must agree to utilize our service at their own security risk. Highly sensitive and personal subjects such as infectious and sexually transmitted diseases, mental health issues, substance abuse, etc., may best be handled through face-to-face healthcare encounters.
  • Medical advice and consultation provided via the Internet or telephone will be based upon information made available by the patient as well as previous encounters documented in the patient’s chart. This interaction may not be an adequate substitute for an office visit. It is possible that an office visit or referral to another medical care provider will be suggested for proper evaluation.
  • Internet and telephone communication should be used for non-urgent concerns only. Any emergent or potentially life-threatening symptom such as, but not limited to, chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, numbness, weakness, slurred speech, high fever, severe headache, severe abdominal pain, profuse bleeding or severe injury, should NOT be dealt with via e-mail communication. Clients should call our office or call ‘911’ with any of these medical issues.
  • Website content: Every effort is made to keep the information on and links from this website current, reliable and accurate. However, given the nature of medicine and the Internet, the contents herein cannot be guaranteed accurate. All medical information and decisions are best made in direct consultation with a licensed physician.

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