Poor health costs US employers billions of dollars each year.
A Corporate Membership from EHS provides access to premiere healthcare, concierge services, and 24/7 access to a Clinician who knows you and your health history, eliminating logistical headaches and reducing time spent away from work and family.
At EHS, we serve some of the nation’s busiest executives and leaders, combining our EHS Comprehensive Physical Exam with the highest level of access. Executives get the care they deserve with the convenience they require.
EHS Corporate Memberships are available to 3 or more non-related adults, with membership fees paid on an annual basis, by their employer, and offers benefits for both the executive and the organization:
The value of an annual comprehensive physical exam is clear.
For many executives, it is their only opportunity to screen for current ailments, assess the risk of future medical diseases, update routine and travel vaccinations, and create a tailored health and wellness action plan.
At EHS, we have made the process as simple and efficient as possible.
A foundation of our year-round care, the EHS Comprehensive Physical Exam is an opportunity to dive deeply into health, lifestyle, family history, risk factors, symptoms, and chronic conditions.
As we develop your personalized wellness plan, EHS is committed to going above and beyond to develop a comprehensive, actionable picture of your health.
Beyond the extensive testing already included in your annual physical, we also offer options for advanced genetic screening and individualized testing to help take the mystery out of disease prevention and risk assessment.